Mao wins three-year NSF grant

Assistant Professor Lu  Mao was awarded a three-year National Science Foundation grant titled “Randomized Trials with Non-Compliance: Extending the Angrist-Imbens-Ruben Framework. Congratulations to Lu! Abstract: Randomized controlled trial (RCT) refers to a design commonly employed …

Thevaa Chandereng wins the 2020 JSM Biopharmaceutical Student Paper Competition

We are delighted to announce that Thevaa Chandereng won the 2020 JSM Biopharmaceutical Paper Competition for his manuscript titled “Robust Blocked Response-Adaptive Randomization Designs.”  Thevaa’s primary advisor is Rick Chappell and he is co-advised by …

Jacob Maronge wins JSM Travel Award

Congratulations to Jake Maronge for winning the JSM Travel Award from the Biometrics Section of the American Statistical Association. Jack won this award for a paper titled “Generalized case-control sampling under generalized linear models,” one …