Below are the various mailing lists associated with the Biostatistics and Medical Informatics department.
Mailings lists can be used in the format “”. Some lists moderate incoming messages and require special administration to use, so you’ll need to use the administration interface.
For more information, see the KB article on managing your WiscList subscriptions –
To logon to the WiscList administrative interface and manage your list subscriptions –
To be added to a mailing list, send a request with your UW email and list(s) you want to subscribe to
Current Mailing Lists:
- Clinical Sciences Center (biostat-csc)
- Medical Sciences Center (biostat-msc)
- WARF (biostat-warf)
- Biotechnology Building (biostat-biotech)
- Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (biostat-wid)
Account Type:
- Graduate Students (bmi-all-users, bmigrad)
- Faculty (bmi-all-users, biostat-faculty, bmi-stat)
- Researchers (bmi-all-users, bmi-researcher-stat)
- Administration (bmi-all-users)
- Biostatistics (biostat-all)
- Medical Informatics (bioinformatics)
- SDAC (sdac)
- CPCP (cpcp)
- Biostat Seminar Events (biostat-seminar)
- Machine Learning Group (bmi-mlgroup)
- Students and Faculty working the MSC (msc_students)