Two BMI students win ASA SGG Student Paper Awards!

BMI graduate students, Kwangmoon Park (3rd year with Sunduz Keles) and Soham Ghosh (2nd year with Guanhua Chen) won two of the five 2023 ASA Section on Statistics in Genomics and Genetics (SGG) Student Paper Awards.

Both students will present their papers at JSM and will receive their awards at the SGG business meeting. Kwangmoon will also present his work at ENAR.

Kwangmoon’s paper is titled Joint tensor analysis of single cell 3D genome and epigentic data with muscle based on work supervised by Sunduz Keles.

Soham’s paper is titled A flexible generative model based knockoff filter for selecting microbial biomarkers with FDR control and is based on work supervised by Guanhua Chen and Zhengzheng Tang.

Congratulations to both students and to their advisors!