BMI Chair Michael Newton is co-PI on an NSF TRIPODS award to WID titled: TRIPODS: Institute for Foundations of Data Science (IFDS). Stephen Wright (Computer Sciences) is PI, with Robert Nowak (ECE, ISyE, CS, and Statistics), Cecile Ane (Statistics and Botany), and Sebastien Roch (Mathematics) acting as additional co-PIs. More broadly, it includes collaborations with the University of Washington, UC-Santa Cruz, and the University of Chicago.
The IFDS team will organize its research around four core themes: complexity, robustness, closed-loop data science, and ethics and algorithms. The high-level goal of this award is to lower the barriers to data science through collaborative research and activities that engage all levels of the data science community across academic, national laboratories, and industry.
If you want to learn more, see see the abstract on the NSF web site and the recent WID publicity.
Congratulations to Michael and the rest of the UW-Madison team!